Everyone has the right ……in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Gov. Walz denied families their right to have and attend funerals, while making exceptions for himself and for funerals of VIP’s. He made it illegal to go to church services and only changed his tune when he was threatened with a law suit, for violating Minnesotans First Amendment Right, by prohibiting their free exercise of religion. Gov. Walz closed churches, but kept liquor stores open.

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, retail therapy was allowed to resume in the State of Minnesota, but not spiritual healing, according to Governor Tim Walz’s May 13, 2020 executive order. On May 13, Governor Walz announced that retailers could open their doors to fifty percent capacity and “Non-Critical” businesses could return to work. Minnesota even introduced a phased plan for reopening bars and restaurants beginning on June 1, but houses of worship were indefinitely banned from any gathering of more than ten people. On May 20, Becket sent Governor Walz and Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison a letter on behalf of the Minnesota Catholic Conference and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. The letter explained that continuing this discriminatory treatment of in-person worship violated federal and state law. It further notified Minnesota that, beginning on May 26, Catholic and Lutheran churches would begin holding in-person worship services, while instituting rigorous social distancing and hygiene protocols, whether or not the Governor amended his executive order. Governor Walz returned to the negotiating table after the Churches acted in defense of their free exercise, announcing on May 23 that he would clear the way for houses of worship of all faith traditions to open to larger groups starting May 27, 2020.  (5/23/2020 Becket Religious Liberty for All)

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